In a heartbreaking incident early on Christmas Eve, a 20-year-old man named John Ja' McCray was fatally shot by his 16-year-old brother in what Lincoln Police have described as a tragic case of mistaken identity. The shooting occurred at the Bridgeport Apartments near 14th and Hilltop around 12:30 a.m. on Tuesday.
Responding to reports of gunfire, officers arrived at the scene to find McCray suffering from multiple gunshot wounds outside the apartment complex. Despite efforts to save him, McCray was pronounced dead after being rushed to a local hospital.
According to Captain Ben Miller, the brothers had arrived at the apartment in separate vehicles. The younger brother, who had reportedly been attacked two days earlier near 21st and K Streets, told investigators that he saw a man dressed in dark clothing and, fearing for his safety, fired several shots without realizing the person was his older brother, John.
Both brothers were armed at the time of the incident, and police recovered the victim’s firearm at the scene. The 16-year-old has been taken into custody and faces charges of manslaughter and the use of a weapon to commit a felony.
The names of the individuals involved have not been formally released by authorities, as the investigation is ongoing. The Lincoln Police Department continues to interview witnesses and gather evidence. They have urged anyone with information or video footage of the incident to come forward to aid in their inquiries.
This tragic event has left the community in shock and mourning, particularly given the family connection and the proximity to the Christmas holiday. The case highlights the devastating consequences that can result from fear and quick decisions in high-stress situations.
Authorities are dedicated to uncovering all the details surrounding the incident to provide clarity and justice for those affected. They continue to appeal to the public for assistance in gathering any additional information that could help with their investigation. The community's response and cooperation are critical as the police work to piece together the events that led to this tragic case of mistaken identity.