A devastating and tragic incident occurred on Monday evening in Elkhart, Indiana, leaving a community in shock and grief. A shooting at Martin's Supermarket on East Jackson Boulevard resulted in the loss of three lives, including a heroic bystander, Ben Jeffery, who attempted to intervene in a domestic violence situation. Two officers were also injured in the incident and are currently in stable condition.
The incident began shortly after 5:30 p.m. when Elkhart Police officers responded to a call about gunfire near Martin's Supermarket. According to the Elkhart Police Department, the officers engaged in a gunfire exchange with a suspect, and the situation escalated quickly, leading to the deaths of three individuals, including the alleged suspect.
Ben Jeffery, a well-known and admired figure in the Elkhart community, tragically lost his life while trying to intervene in the domestic violence situation. Friends and family remember him as a kind-hearted and selfless individual who would always lend a helping hand to those in need. According to a close friend, Al Kinsey, Ben Jeffery was attempting to assist a woman who was being attacked by her spouse, later identified as the alleged perpetrator, when the situation turned violent.
The suspect had already shot and killed his wife before turning the gun on Jeffery. Despite his heroic attempts to prevent further harm, Jeffery was struck in the chest and died from his injuries shortly after the attack. Jeffery's bravery in the face of danger is remembered fondly by those who knew him. His act of courage, attempting to shield a victim of domestic violence, highlights the kind of person he was.
Ben Jeffery's wife, Valarie, was injured during the attack. She had managed to flee the scene but sustained injuries as she attempted to escape the chaos. Valarie is now recovering from her injuries but will undoubtedly face a difficult road to healing, both physically and emotionally.
The alleged suspect in the officer-involved shooting, who is reported to have been the one responsible for the deaths of both his wife and Ben Jeffery, was also killed in the incident. While details surrounding the suspect's identity have not yet been fully disclosed, law enforcement confirmed that he was the one who opened fire at the scene.
Local officials, including Mayor Rod Roberson, Governor Mike Braun, and Congressman Rudy Yakym, all expressed their condolences and offered their support to the victims, their families, and the first responders who were affected by the tragedy. Mayor Rod Roberson addressed the heartbreaking event, expressing his deep sorrow: "Our hearts are broken in Elkhart tonight. Please continue to pray for the victims, including our two injured officers, our heroic first responders, and all those affected by this tragedy. There is no immediate danger to the public."
The Elkhart County Homicide Unit has taken over the investigation into the tragic officer-involved shooting. Authorities have confirmed that the scene has been secured and there is no ongoing threat to public safety. Police are urging anyone with information about the incident to come forward and contact the Elkhart County Homicide Unit at 574-295-2825 or the Elkhart Police Department.
As the investigation continues, the Elkhart community is coming together to mourn the loss of Ben Jeffery and to offer support to those affected by the tragedy. Vigils and other community gatherings are expected in the coming days to honor the victims and provide a space for healing and reflection. The community's resilience and compassion will play a vital role in healing and supporting those who are left to grieve.