A devastating tragedy unfolded in west Phoenix on Sunday night, leaving a community in shock and grief. Two adults, identified as 35-year-old Ashlee Corona and 38-year-old Andrew Corona, were found dead in an apartment complex near 99th Avenue and Indian School Road. The incident, which is being investigated as a murder-suicide, also left a toddler in critical condition with a gunshot wound.
According to the Phoenix Police Department, officers responded to reports of gunfire at the apartment complex, where witnesses reported hearing a heated argument followed by multiple gunshots. Upon entering the residence, officers discovered the bodies of Ashlee Corona and Andrew Corona, both of whom were pronounced dead at the scene.
The toddler, who was also found inside the apartment, was rushed to the hospital with a gunshot wound and remains in critical condition. Investigators believe that Andrew Corona fatally shot Ashlee Corona and the toddler before taking his own life, although the exact circumstances leading up to the shooting are still unclear.
The Phoenix Police Department is continuing to investigate the incident, working to gather more details about the events that transpired. Authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward, and anonymous tips may be eligible for a reward through Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS.
The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, leaving many to grapple with the senseless loss of life. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are working to piece together the events that led up to the tragic shooting. As the community comes to terms with the loss, many are left wondering what could have been done to prevent such a devastating tragedy.
The Phoenix Police Department is committed to supporting the families and loved ones of the victims, as well as the wider community, during this difficult time. As the investigation continues, authorities will provide updates and work to bring closure to those affected by this senseless tragedy. For now, the community is left to mourn the loss of two lives and pray for the recovery of the toddler, who remains in critical condition.